Member Mastermind

WOW – February’s Mastermind was NEXT LEVEL. The amount of knowledge, expertise and insights shared on our Mastermind call was amazing. Learning from the TOP Rent to Own providers across Canada – How they’ve been able to successfully grow their business during COVID and strategies they use to buy properties on HOT markets.

We were joined by new members from across the country and happy to announce our CAROP family is yet again growing as more members are signing up every month!

We look forward to having you out to next month’s Mastermind – March 12th at 12:00 pm. Registration is Now Open!

Bring a RE Professional as Your Guest!

Members register you and your guest here

Here is what guest Andrea Stiller had to say after this months Member Mastermind

I was very happy to be invited, as a guest, to the CAROP Mastermind session. This group of like-minded people were eager to share and support everyone attending in their goals of being successful in the Rent to Own field. From the newest members, just starting out, to seasoned veterans who have made homeownership possible for 100’s of families, the willingness to share knowledge was wonderful. Most importantly, it was clear that all the participants were focused on creating a win-win situation for their tenant buyers and investors. I felt strongly that this group understood that helping the tenant help themselves into homeownership is something to be proud of!

Not a member? Join CAROP and we will see you on the12th!